Ring of Scale – Tier 1 defeated
Ring of Scale – Tier 1 Defeated
On Tuesday December 12, 2017 Ring of Scale the 24th EverQuest expansion was released. On that very same day Inverse Logic paid a visit to Kar’Zok Warleader Hegron, a very prickly Cactiikii and five residents of Gorowyn. All were left in a much worse state then when they were found!
Ring of Scale – Balance of Power
Tier 2 we are coming for you…
Inverse Logic is Recruiting
Inverse Logic is Recruiting
Inverse Logic the #1 raiding guild on Luclin is recruiting! Empires of Kunark is beaten and currently on farm. If you are interested in joining the fun watch Dwavlin’s video below and hear the comments of current IL members.
The great thing about Inverse Logic is that no class is ever closed. To see our current needs please click the Apply link at the top of this page or contact luclin.Dwavlin for more information.
Empires of Kunark – Tier 2 Defeated
After many years of being silent the Chardok Royals once again laid down a challenge. This time no long dungeon crawl was needed to reach them. Praetor Garont provided us with safe passage straight to their domain.
Prince Selrach Di’Zok was the first to fall to the might of IL. He tried his best to thwart us by sending his alchemist minions and by umm turning the lights off… However, it was to no avail as we marched on through him to the Queen.
Empires of Kunark – Prince Selrach Di’Zok
Like all EverQuest Queens, Queen Velazul Di’Zok was a challenge. She had plenty of tricks up her sleeve – there were flames, blademasters, soldiers, menders, the oh so joyful warcasters and sokokar. On seeing how the Prince’s strategy of turning the lights off wasn’t the way to go the Queen went the opposite tract. She brought down the power of the light onto us! While her challenge was strong, ultimately it was not enough to keep IL down. Queen Velazul Di’Zok fell and we continued on our march through Chardok to Atrebe’s Vault.
Empires of Kunark – Queen Velazul Di’Zok
Atrebe’s Vault was the final battle of Chardok. There was a bit of everything thrown at us including a shark er Lorenado and a crazy fire dervish before we were allowed to take on The Guardian of the Vault. However, like all who came before him the Guardian succumbed to the force that is Inverse Logic.
Empires of Kunark – Atrebe’s Vault
Empires of Kunark – Tier 1 Raids Defeated
Lceanium and Temple of Droga
Wednesday November 16, 2016 saw the release of the 23rd EverQuest expansion Empires of Kunark.
As always Inverse Logic was primed and ready to raid. Lceanium: Doorstep of War fell on our first attempt. Thanks to IL, Gorenaire and her army failed to break into the city!
The following evening it was the turn of The Incarnate Droga to taste defeat. Only one attempt was needed to silence this goblin in the raid Temple of Droga: The Summoning of Droga.
Empires of Kunark – The Summoning of Droga
If you would like to join in the fun, the great news is you can! Inverse Logic is currently recruiting a number of different classes. Please click Apply at the top of the page for more information.
Ring of Scale Defeated
Ring of Scale Defeated
On June 10th 2018 Inverse Logic completed the Ring of Scale expansion.
Four dragons tried but could not stop us on our journey through Veeshan’s Peak!
Inverse Logic is always recruiting. Please click Apply at the top of the page for more details.