Call of the Forsaken – Tier 1B Defeated

Inverse Logic has successfully completed all four raids that comprise the Call of the Forsaken expansion’s Tier 1B. The staggered release model that SoE has used to deploy content for the current (and previous) EverQuest expansion has made raiding feel like a 100-yard dash as opposed to an endurance marathon where perseverance and persistence are much more heavily weighted factors in a guild’s progression path.

That said, any raider in EverQuest will likely agree that more raid content is a good thing – and the raiding community now has four more raids to farm each week than it did prior to today. We are the 5th guild gamewide and the first guild on the Luclin server to complete Tier 1B. It took us close to 2.5 hours to complete the four raid events and we experienced no raid wipes for the evening.

I do feel that all raid content in Call of the Forsaken thus far, including the new Tier 1B raids, is much easier than I would prefer raid content to be. However, I am thankful that the game developers listened to some of the feedback provided by my guildmates, as well as raiders from other guilds, and corrected the majority of the bugs found in the four raid events prior to them being patched to the live servers.

In this guild we like to be met with challenges, and then tackle those challenges in a way that we can look back on in the future and be able to say that we did our best. This mentality will continue to persist regardless of the difficulty of present and future raid events, as we pride ourselves on our teamwork, communication, planning, strategy, and efficiency at which we complete raid events and other challenges together. We continue to be a 3-day per week raiding guild and are recruiting with limited openings for exceptional players who work and communicate well in a team-based environment.

Dead Hills – The Legacy of Bayle

West karana Raid 2
West Karana – The Defense of Lendiniara

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Neriak Raid 2
Neriak Fourth Gate – Hate Rising