Corrupted Temple of Veeshan – Cleared on Dec. 5, 2012

Corrupted Temple of Veeshan Defeated

We took a detour to the Rain of Fear version of Temple of Veeshan and managed a #2 gamewide clearing of the zone. Vulak’Aerr himself was a lot of fun, and it was nice to revisit raid content that many of us enjoyed so much when it was originally introduced.

We’ve also been raiding Rain of Fear’s Tier 2 raids as well and are currently 1 raid shy of gaining access to the expansion’s final raid zone.

Corrupted Temple of Veeshan Defeated

If you’re interested in applying to join our raid force, we raid 3 nights a week (Tue/Thur/Sun) and are currently recruiting with an emphasis on Bards, Clerics, Rogues, and Wizards – although exceptional applicants of any class will of course always be considered.