Wednesday November 16, 2016 saw the release of the 23rd EverQuest expansion Empires of Kunark.
As always Inverse Logic was primed and ready to raid. Lceanium: Doorstep of War fell on our first attempt. Thanks to IL, Gorenaire and her army failed to break into the city!
The following evening it was the turn of The Incarnate Droga to taste defeat. Only one attempt was needed to silence this goblin in the raid Temple of Droga: The Summoning of Droga.
Empires of Kunark – The Summoning of Droga
If you would like to join in the fun, the great news is you can! Inverse Logic is currently recruiting a number of different classes. Please click Apply at the top of the page for more information.
Empires of Kunark – Tier 1 Raids Defeated
Lceanium and Temple of Droga
Wednesday November 16, 2016 saw the release of the 23rd EverQuest expansion Empires of Kunark.
As always Inverse Logic was primed and ready to raid. Lceanium: Doorstep of War fell on our first attempt. Thanks to IL, Gorenaire and her army failed to break into the city!
The following evening it was the turn of The Incarnate Droga to taste defeat. Only one attempt was needed to silence this goblin in the raid Temple of Droga: The Summoning of Droga.
If you would like to join in the fun, the great news is you can! Inverse Logic is currently recruiting a number of different classes. Please click Apply at the top of the page for more information.